Faculty Spotlight

Unity School is made up of educators with amazing talents. Faculty Spotlights are our way of highlighting and getting to know some of the incredible members of our community in a more personal way. Enjoy their inspiring stories.

Meet Mrs. Katie Rebholz


Mrs. Katie Rebholz was originally born in Georgia and moved to West Boca when she was in Kindergarten. Ever since she was a child, she knew she wanted to teach. She earned her Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education from UCF and her Master of Education in Educational Leadership from FAU. Prior to working at Unity School, she taught third grade in Title 1 public schools in both Orange and Palm Beach Counties. She met her husband at her previous school, and they got married in 2019 and have two children, Marcella and William. Marcella is currently in Unity’s Orientation program, and she loves having her here at school with her. She began teaching at Unity School in 2016 and taught fourth and fifth grade. In 2021, she accepted the position as the Director of Elementary and Curriculum. She loves the opportunity to work with all of our students, teachers, and families.

What is your teaching philosophy?

In our current society, critical thinking skills are more relevant than ever. We live in a world where access to information is constantly at our fingertips. I believe that as educators, we have a duty to equip our children with the ability to problem-solve and evaluate information. In doing so, we will be preparing them for their future. Teaching core academic content plays a relevant role in this process; foundational knowledge is necessary for children to have the ability to navigate through and synthesize new information.

In addition, we have a duty to our students to learn both their academic and emotional strengths and weaknesses in order to tailor instruction to their needs. Educators need the knowledge and skills to differentiate instances where direct instruction is necessary versus when it’s appropriate to step aside and let learning unfold naturally. To facilitate the most effective learning space, I believe we must create an environment where students feel safe to take risks, be creative, and be unique.

What is your greatest personal achievement as a teacher?

It is always amazing to witness the “lightbulb moments” with students, especially with students who have struggled academically or behaviorally. Seeing the impact of personalized, strategic interventions is very rewarding.

What led you to choose Unity School?

I chose Unity School because as a teacher, I had the freedom to teach based on what is best for children, instead of teaching to a test. I was so impressed with all of the programs that Unity School had to offer. I was excited about the idea of collaborating with different departments, like technology, to make learning fun and engaging.

What sets the Unity School program apart?

When on campus, the sense of community is undeniable. Everyone is willing to lend a helping hand. Also, our mission of inspiring learning by educating the entire child: mind, body, and spirit is evident in our academic and extracurricular programs. Our students authentically demonstrate the virtues learned through Lessons in Living and Peace Education lessons each day, whether by ensuring every student is included in the cafeteria or by lending a listening ear when a friend is feeling down.


Past Faculty Spotlights