Middle School Notes

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Middle School Notes


Monday, August 22, 2022 – First Day of School


Recycled Uniforms:

We are always happy to accept uniforms that are still usable for our recycled uniform program.

Please leave any donations in the front office for pick up.




Elective Info

If you have not done so already, please complete this form for Trimester 1 Electives for next school year with your child. Only one form per child, please.

Students MUST be REGISTERED for the upcoming school year to be placed into an elective.  Descriptions of each elective offered can be found in this email and was also sent to your child.

There are TWO ELECTIVES (Elective One and Elective Two).  Please review the descriptions attached, discuss the choices with your child, and then number his/her preferences (#1, #2, & #3) for each elective.

Every effort is made to place your child in their first choice however preference is given to REGISTERED upperclassman and to those registered students who return this form completed by the deadline, which is Friday, May 20, 2022.   Any forms that are late or incomplete will be placed in electives on an “as available” basis.

If your child will not be joining us for the 2022 – 2023 school year, please let me know and do NOT complete this form.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at bferguson@unityschool.com


Instruments Needed:

The Village Academy is relaunching their Arts Program and is in need of gently used instruments.  Anyone wishing to donate their instrument, please contact Kristyn Cox at 561-756-5884.

From the Events Office:

JOIN T.E.A.M. UNITY: Together Everyone Achieves More.”


Please remember to make your tax-deductible donation to the Annual Fund. Contributions to the Annual Fund are necessary to balance the school’s operating budget, take care of campus needs and support/enhance our academic, athletic, music, drama, art, technology, and the Lessons in Living program which benefit all our children. To donate, go to unityschool.com and click on Annual Fund or click here.

 Gena Vacha

Director of Events

